於時常下載光碟映像檔的電腦使用者,也許你曾聽說過 Alcohol 120% 這套軟體,也使用過。大家都知道其實 Alcohol 120% 最主要的功能還是在燒錄光碟片。如果你用慣了 Nero ,裝 Alcohol 120% 純粹只是想用來掛載映像檔的內容,建議你可以試試另一套虛擬光碟 - Daemon Tools,它不儘容量小,最重要的是,它還是免費的!
DAEMON Tools is an advanced application for Microsoft Windows which provides one of the best optical media emulation in the industry. DAEMON Tools enabling you to use your CD/DVD images as if they were already burned to CD/DVD.
DAEMON Tools forum: www.daemon-tools.cc
Changes in DT 4.12.1 compared to the previous version 4.12.0:
What's new:
- Multilanguage setup support;
- Languages updates;
- Hot keys settings;
- Some GUI features for DT Panel: Searching dialog, M&D manager Lookup, view mode options, etc;
Bugs fixed:
- Some minor GUI bugs;
- Setup bugs;