最近我的電腦中毒,雖然只是個風險很低的小病毒關掉就行了,但是在解決的過程中看到了程序列擺滿了數十個程序,說實在的找起來挺痛苦的。而我是在找google常駐程式的資料時無意間才發現了這支不錯的程式。推荐給大家,以下是以Security Task Manager找google常駐程式的相關文章:
What is GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe? Is GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe spyware or a virus?
Process name: Google Desktop
Product: Google Desktop
Company: Google
File: GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe
If you want a detailed security rating about your GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe (and all other running background processes) download the free trial version of Security Task Manager.
Note: Any malware can be named anything - so you should check where the files of the running processes are located on your disk. If a "non-Microsoft" .exe file is located in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder, then there is a high risk for a virus, spyware, trojan or worm infection! Check it out!
程序名稱:Google Desktop。
產品:Google Desktop
如果你想知道你的GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe(以及其它常駐於背景的程序倒底安不安全),請下載這個試用版的Security Task Manager。
注意:任何的惡意軟體可以被任意的命名,所以你必需確認在你本地磁碟中執行的程序。如果你的C:\Windows ,C:\Windows\System32中有非微軟的程序,那麼他就極有可能是病毒、間碟程式、木馬或是蠕蟲。